16 mins
Perlage is the process of shaping a nail into a dome shaped head, securing the metal hardware in place on your leather goods.
In this tutorial Peter walks you through each stage in creating your metal rivet, from choosing the correct nail size and necessary tools, to forming that perfectly smooth, domed, rivet head.
Tutorial Skills
1. Selecting the correct nail size
2. Affixing & preparing the hardware
3. Forming the rivet with the perloir
4. Tips & Tricks for the entire process
This video is also available as part of our Advanced Techniques Bundle.
Meet your instructor
Book Private Leatherworking Lessons with Peter Nitz in Zurich
In the heart of Zurich, Peter Nitz offers private leatherworking and leather crafting classes at his Atelier studio. Individuals or groups who partake in Peter’s week-long course will gain exclusive access to his luxury leather materials, tools and Atelier workshop. More importantly, they’ll be privy to Peter’s unparalleled leather crafting knowledge, having the opportunity to ask detailed questions while learning a broad range of leather crafting skills and techniques from the master himself.
At the end of the week, students will leave with a self-made leather good of their choosing. To book a private leather course in Zurich with Peter Nitz, please fill out the contact form below.