It rarely happens that a master leatherworker is able to properly transfer his/her skills to pupils. And that's why there is a lengthy process of working for an artisan to learn by practice and correction, by constant visual inspection and feedback.
However, if teaching material is organized and conveyed properly, it speeds up the process considerably. This is what Peter has achieved here. All one needs to do is to catalogue a large number of techniques, tips and tricks from his courses.
Here is my result, going from not knowing what's going on to somewhat enjoying my work. I am nowhere near perfect, but I have surely departed the YouTubers level.
Thank you Peter.

Yes. I try to make them very concise without a lot of fluff :-)
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the kind words.
Alex you are a perfect example of someone taking the knowledge from the tutorials and using them to transform your work. I'm really excited to see what incredible leaps and bounds you have made with your work; Nothing short of amazing... and in such a short time!
That being said its not "easy" there needs to be dedication and willingness to put forth the effort and time, which I know you have done. Great job! P
Yes it has my brand name on it. I purchased them from MM Colombo
Alex - looking at your bags - they are really nice. Can i ask you where you got your hardware from ? Does it have your name on it ? That is so cool !!
Yes - Peter your the best ....